My youngest is sick today. As she lies sleeping on the couch, I had a silly little thought about our family room sofa. Our couch has seen good days and bad. It has held and comforted each of us during illness and heartache and provided refuge on long nights when sleep was hard to find. Our couch has witnessed significant life events such as Christmas and family gatherings, birthday celebrations and the introduction of this sleeping child to family and friends. Our couch stands ready to provide support and refuge at any moment.
And yet there are days when it is ignored all together. In the busyness of life, no one stops to sit, rest or chat, but we all know it will be there when needed.
A thought rushed in.
Do I treat God like my sofa?
He’s always there, always available but sometimes in the busyness of life I take Him for granted. I fail to stop, sit and spend time conversing. I miss opportunities for comfort, encouragement and reorganization of my priorities.
While it’s reassuring to know that He will never leave us or forsake us, it is sobering to think of the void we choose for ourselves when we fail to acknowledge all that we have in the Him.
I refuse to live this way anymore. I chose to acknowledge His presence daily, to pause and spend time there, to rest in His care and peace and give thanks for each time that He intersects my path.
Today, as my sweet girl sleeps on the couch, I am grateful for the reminder that God is always available to give me rest, to restore me to physical and spiritual health, to celebrate the joys of life and to comfort in times of distress.