Today is hard. Grief, change, parenting and finances create uncertainty and fertile soil for fear. Emotions swirl out of control and efforts to hold back the tears are futile. The feeling is more familiar than I care to admit.
I know that this is not how He wants me to live. So, I seek His Presence, and find a gem in my own journal.
Several years ago, after reading One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp, I began making my own list of gifts-“things” I was grateful for. As I reviewed the list I was surprised at how fresh they seemed and how clearly I could remember.
One gift stood out.
43. Thank you for the way my youngest child teaches me beautiful lessons about life and the Father.
The toddler years were not easy with this one. She was intense and passionate and on this particular day she was passionately having a melt-down. Quite abruptly and unexpectedly, she surrendered.
“I just love you! Can I sit on your lap?”
I recalled the hugging, the holding and the letting go. She vividly taught me what it looks like to let go of my burdens and fears and run in to the arms of my Heavenly Father.
No more arguing, just surrender. No more questioning, only surrender. No more fear, simply surrender.
Do you need to let go today? Do you need to climb up in your Father’s lap and be held?
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Sometimes I wonder if I have enough faith for this new season? Enough faith to surrender? And then I remember that the power of God needs only a tiny bit of faith to get started. Faith the size of a mustard seed. (Matthew 13:31-32) Faith that simply starts by trusting Him with my burdens and climbing in His lap.